New Heaven, New Earth

Series: The Kingdom

October 25, 2009 | David Crosby
Passage: Revelation 21:1-5

    Many times I have stood beside the open grave with grieving families. Often I have read this passage from the Book of Revelation including the angel’s statement: “These words are trustworthy and true” (Revelation 22:6).

    You can depend upon it. God rules this universe. He is good. He is powerful. He will bring to pass his wonderful purpose for people who trust him.

    Our hope is not an exceptional set of ethics or even exceptional behavior. Our hope is in God alone. We are trusting him. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Take a deep breath and relax. You are not in charge. He is.

    Series Information

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    Other sermons in the series

    Announce the Kingdom

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    Son of God, King of Israel

    February 22, 2009

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    Economic Temptations

    March 01, 2009

    Jesus is tempted by the devil, after 40 days of fasting, to turn the loaf-looking...

    Political Temptations

    March 08, 2009

    Jesus was proclaiming and bringing the kingdom of God on this earth. He was seeking to...

    Religious Temptations

    March 15, 2009

    Jesus has twice been tempted by the devil. He is tired, hungry, lonely, and...

    Overwhelmed with Sorrow

    March 29, 2009

    The anticipation of pain is part of suffering, and it may be as difficult as the pain...

    Calling Down the Angels

    April 05, 2009

    A crowd armed with clubs and swords came to arrest Jesus. One of their leaders lost an...

    On Being Seeds or Weeds

    April 26, 2009

    The authenticity of people who claim to be in the kingdom of God has always been a...

    You Can Grow Faster

    May 03, 2009

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    Your Hidden Treasure

    May 10, 2009

    Jesus combines two pictures again, a hidden treasure and the finest pearl. In each...

    490 Forgivings

    May 17, 2009

    One of the strangest and most memorable pictures Jesus ever painted with his words is...

    Fill Up the Banquet Hall

    June 07, 2009

    This story is wide and deep. It tells us about the wonderful invitation that the king...

    Don't Worry Be Happy

    June 14, 2009

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    Loving God

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    Loving Our Neighbors

    August 23, 2009

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    Loving the Lost

    September 06, 2009

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    Carried on Eagles' Wings

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    The Ideal King

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    Thine is the Kingdom

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    The Everlasting Kingdom

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    The Kingdom of the Saints

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    The Overcomers

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    A woman clothed with the sun is pictured here along with a red dragon engaged in a...

    New Heaven, New Earth

    October 25, 2009

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    We've Got the Keys

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    Your Kingdom Power

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    Praying Down the Kingdom

    November 15, 2009

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    The Hope of Israel In US

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    God Made a Promise

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    We Sing the Song

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