February 12, 2023 | Chad Gilbert
Passage: Philippians 4:10-23
The Gospel makes us fellow-workers (vv.10, 14, 15-16)
- Not
- Missions and ministry panhandlers (v.11a, 17a)
- Benevolent dictators
- Notice
- Sometimes that partnership needs renewal (v.10)
- Our gifts are to God (v.18)
The Gospel defines our worldview (vv.11-13)
- Not
- Stoicism – self-sufficiency, unmoved emotionally by external forces
- Epicureanism – maximum pleasure, minimum pain
- Notice
- His strength comes from Christ (v.13)
- Strength of contentment in little
- Strength of contentment in a lot
The Gospel fuels our worship (vv.19-20)
- Not
- An Epicurean promise
- An Insurance policy
- Notice
- It is a promise, one we desperately need
- Rightly understood, results in worship