Serve Tour 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023

About the Event

One-Day Mission Opportunities

  • City Park Park Fun Night
    Friday, June 9  –  6:30-11:00 pm
    Many volunteers are needed for a Fun Night for students, staff, and families from Phillis Wheatley School.

  • Food Insecurity Meal Prep
    Saturday, June 10  –  All Day
    Eight Volunteers are needed to help assemble 250 Freezer Meal and 50 Shelf-Stable Meal kits.

  • Inward Gift Bag Prep and Prayer Event
    Saturday, June 10  –  9:30 am-1 pm
    Fifteen Volunteers are needed to help assemble gift bags for “Inward” and to pray for the ministry.

  • Serve Tour Rally at FBNO
    Saturday, June 10  –  5-7:30 pm
    Ten Volunteers are needed for greeting/hospitality and cleanup for the Serve Tour Rally.

Two-Day Mission Opportunities

  • Serve Tour Check-in Volunteers
    Friday, June 9, and Saturday, June 10  –  7-9:30 am
    Four volunteers for check-in Serve Tour volunteers (bring your own computer/tablet).

Crossover New Orleans - Multi-Day Evangelism Opportunity

  • Crossover New Orleans Evangelism Project
    Friday, June 9, Saturday, June 10 & Sunday, June 11.
    Places and Times TBD

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