The Early Learning Center (ELC) is a State of Louisiana licensed Type One daycare facility conveniently located in the Lakeview area of New Orleans. This modern facility provides daycare for children ages six weeks to three years. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Our program utilizes the WEE Learn curriculum developed by LifeWay Early Education Resour This curriculum is age-graded and includes developmentally appropriate learning activities for each group.
Our ELC provides exceptional childcare for both infant daycare and daycare for older children. Our Lakeview location is just off the interstate on Canal Blvd for easy pick-up and drop-off.Â
The Christian teachers at our Early Learning Center are dedicated to giving your child unconditional love in a Christ-centered environment and to providing a rich and enjoyable daycare atmosphere where children may flourish socially, emotionally, developmentally, and spiritually.
Since God’s love extends equally to all people, our daycare center welcomes and encourages any of His children to apply for enrollment in any program it offers, regardless of race, color, or nationality. The Early Learning Center does not discriminate based on race, color, handicapping condition, or ethnicity.
Enrollment is ongoing and granted based upon availability and payment of the non-refundable $200 registration fee. The registration fee must be paid, and the registration packet must be completed before making a class assignment. Please contact Ethram Williams, ELC Director, for additional information. Â
Enrollment is an ongoing process and is granted based on availability. We do offer a waiting list for children we cannot accommodate at the time of inquiry. Families are welcome to be placed on our Waiting List for a refundable fee of $100 per child. This fee will go towards their registration fee if a spot becomes available. We accept cash, checks, or money orders for all tuition fees. When a space becomes available, the family will need to fill out the forms in the registration packet, pay the remaining non-refundable $200 registration fee, and provide a current set of immunization records.  The registration fee is only accepted once a spot has been secured for your child(ren)'s attendance. For more information, please see the links below.
Please feel free to contact the ELC to set up a tour. We can give tours on most weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call 504.378.9000 for an appoin.Â
The Early Learning Center (ELC) is a State of Louisiana licensed Type One preschool and provides care for children ages six weeks to three years. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Our program utilizes the WEE Learn curriculum developed by LifeWay Early Education Resources. This curriculum is age-graded and includes developmentally appropriate learning activities for each group. Additional enrichment programs that we offer include Spanish, Chapel, and Music.
We provide each child with wipes, snacks, and drinks. Each lunch includes meat, vegetables, starches, fruit, and milk. Snacks are offered to the children three times a day and include, but are not limited to, fresh fruits, cheese, yogurt, Cheerios, cheese crackers, and animal crackers. We do our best to accommodate most food allergies, but we ask that the family supplement their diet with additional snacks and/or milk, depending on their needs.
Depending on your child's age, we ask that you provide the following:
• all infant food—breast milk is encouraged
• baby food and cereal, depending on development
• all bottles
• pacifiers
• diapers or pull-ups
• a couple of changes of clothing, including socks and shoes
• a drinking cup with a lid
• a kinder plastic nap mat
• additional food to supplement what is provided if there is a dietary allergy or preference.Â
If you’ve got any questions about the ELC, please contact Ethram Williams, Director.