Caring Through Behavior

Series: Ephesians

March 14, 2010 | David Crosby
Passage: Ephesians 4:17-5:2

Certain ways of acting and speaking are associated with our former lives when we did not know Christ. We need to abandon that old way of thinking that got us into so much trouble. It not only twisted our minds, but it also damaged our relationships.

We have a new way to think and to live in Christ. It is a way that is consistent with how God made the universe and how he saved us from our sin. This new mental and spiritual posture is an essential dimension of our new way of life.

Behavior among believers is of great importance to God. We left a certain lifestyle when we came to Christ. We put off the former way of living, and we put on the “new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:24).

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